Interested in being part of the BoxBeacon beta 2.0 Plan?
The program is really FREE.

We are looking for individuals in The Woodlands, Texas and surrounding areas who are party to a transaction involving real estate. This list includes:

  • Real Estate Agents and Brokers (Brokers - we can put a BoxBeacon at your office)
  • Individuals Selling or Renting property
  • Commercial agents - we even have special BoxBeacons for you now

There is absolutely no charge for participating. All you have to do is stick the BoxBeacon to your sign and it will start working. If you are unhappy, we simply ask that you allow us to pick up the BoxBeacon. If this sounds like a good deal, click the join now link below. We will send you an email figuring out exactly how many BoxBeacons you need and we will send you a simple guide on how to update them as you move them from property to property.

Why are they free? What is the catch?

BoxBeacon is in a very happy place right now. Our first beta round went well and we learned a lot about how to make the product even better and cheaper for our customers. We are now on to beta 2.0, now that we have the capacity to add more users and more BoxBeacons. The best part - participating in the beta 2.0 is completely free as long as you have a property listing around the area we are currently testing in. We will supply as many beacons as you have property listing and of course there will be no service fees or beacon fees for the lifetime of the BoxBeacon (which should be a really long time or the development group will be delivering you new ones with cookies)!

We would also like to post a list of all real estate agents and brokerages that have adopted BoxBeacons. This would be an opt-in list - so no pressure. We would just like a chance to say thank you to all that helped.